Promote and invest in innovation and clean technology
Understand the impact of our operations on the environment in terms of waste generation, air emissions, water discharges and other impacts such as noise, and we make plans and set targets to minimize these impacts
Replace hazardous chemicals in processes and products with non-toxic or less toxic process chemicals and raw materials in accordance with BAT (best available techniques) standards
Develop products and production processes to reduce the amount and hazardousness of our emissions, discharges and wastes
Ensure that all new projects at our paper mill are reviewed and evaluated to ensure that best available techniques (BAT) are applied, including waste and effluent treatment and chemical handling and storage
Develop, implement and maintain ISO 14001 certified environmental management systems at our paper and packaging mills
Disclose information about our environmental performance to the public through participation in global sustainability data reporting organizations
Prevent environmental incidents and complaints, and report, thoroughly investigate and take action to prevent recurrence if they do occur