KMK Pack - Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Our Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Protecting the safety, health and security of our employees and the employees of stakeholders working on our behalf is a fundamental value for KMK. We value human life above all else and believe that even one injury is one too many.

We strive to be a company where no fatalities, life-changing injuries or occupational illnesses occur. We have a systematic approach to focus on potentially fatal and life-altering risks across all our businesses, and we seek to eliminate these risks and implement rigorous controls.

We aim to prevent any incidents that may risk our neighbors and operations or harm people. We can achieve "Zero Harm" through strong and responsible leadership and a culture that creates a work environment where employees and contractors work safely by focusing on identifying hazards, implementing appropriate risk controls and regularly measuring the effectiveness of controls.

We comply with all applicable laws and act in accordance with relevant internationally recognized principles. Our effective occupational safety management practices ensure that all our operations have fundamentally safe, well-designed facilities, equipment and infrastructure.

We aim to do the following for the development and implementation of local health and occupational safety management systems to achieve our objectives:
Comply with all relevant local, national and regional laws and regulations,
Comply with internationally proclaimed human rights and standards, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the International Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and the International Labor Organization Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work,
Ensure effective implementation of processes by establishing non-negotiable performance requirements for significant risks, validating training and competencies, adopting standards and performance requirements to guide safe behaviors and outcomes,
Identify hazards and assess risks associated with our operations, develop and implement operational controls to effectively mitigate the impact of these risks and continuously improve them,
Ensure the dissemination of safe behaviors through the continuous development of operations leaders and employees by implementing the necessary personal development and awareness programs to reduce unsafe behaviors that may be observed in our operations,
Expect our managers to provide effective leadership by ensuring that all managers, employees and contractors are aware of these obligations, are informed of their specific responsibilities as a condition of employment or contract, are trained and motivated, and continually promote an interdependent safety culture in which everyone looks out for their own safety and the safety of others,
Consider the inputs and suggestions from our employees, employee representatives and all of our stakeholders in our decision-making processes to ensure continuous development of our occupational health and safety practices and make their participation in the practices we implement an immutable part of our culture,
Prepare for emergencies by clearly communicating our safety, security and health risks and concerns to ensure emergency preparedness and the public's right to know